Additive Manufacturing and Dentistry: Designing a Semi-Physiological Articulator

François-Xavier Santolalla, Etienne Debarre, Philippe Hivart*
Equipe Biomatériaux Artois / Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement (LGCgE EA4515) / Université d'Artois IUT de Béthune, 1230, rue de l'Université, CS 20819, 62408 Béthune cedex, France

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© 2018 Santolalla et al.

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The use of second generation semi-adjustable articulators for the reproduction of the mandibular kinematic often proves to be a technical and time constraint for the dentist. Therefore, its use, however essential within the dental office, is frequently forsaken.

Materials and methods:

The possibility of reproducing complex anatomical forms using rapid prototyping technologies can induce a more attractive and effective use of such a modified articulator.

Results & Conclusion:

Indeed, these replicas substitute for mechanical adjustments and thereby make the metrology on the patient an unnecessary element, both sources of the approximation of the kinematic. The aim of this study is to report on designing and manufacturing a semi-physiological articulator and on its pertinence through the comparison of the mandibular kinematics movement reproducibility on the two types of articulator.

Keywords: Rapid prototyping, Occlusodontia, Articulator, Axiography, Dental device, Mandibular kinematic, Medical imaging.